Developing Exceptional Children..
Developing Great Athletes.

12 months to 6 years of age

Parent-Tot (Ages 12 months - 3 years old) Preschool Schedule
45 minute class (Boys & Girls Combined, students must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver)

In this program children are introduced to exercise and movement utilizing love and support from a parent. The students will be introduced to basic rolling, climbing, jumping and tumbling exercises to develop gross motor skills, hand-eye / hand-foot coordination, strength and balance.


2024-2025 School Year Schedule

Tiny Tot (Ages 3 years old)
45 minute class (Boys & Girls Combined)

This program focuses on developing gross motor skills and hand-eye / hand-foot coordination.  Warm ups are followed by obstacle courses throughout the gym using various pieces of apparatus.  This reinforces listening skills and familiarizes children with equipment.  Skills include basic rolling, climbing, jumping and tumbling exercises to develop strength and balance.

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Tiny Tot Schedule

Super Tot (Ages 3 - 5 years old)
1 hour class (Boys & Girls Combined) (Skills will be based on the age of the gymnast)

This program is a great option for siblings ages 3-5 looking to take class together.  Instructors will incorporate both Tiny Tot and Tumble Tot skills into the Super Tot program.

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Super Tot Schedule

Tumble Tot (Ages 4 - 5 years old)
1 hour class (Boys & Girls Combined)

This program focuses on advancing a child's gross motor skills while perfecting basic tumbling skills.  The majority of time will be spent on the Floor Exercise, working on basic gymnastic skills and body positions.  Skills include cartwheels, forward and backward rolls and handstands.  The students will also be introduced to basic gymnastic skills on other apparatus. This program allows each child to progress at his or her own pace in a warm, friendly, fun environment.

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Tumble Tot Schedule

Mighty Tot (Ages 4 - 6 years old)
1 1/2 hour class (Prerequisite: Instructors recommendation required)

This class is for 4 - 6 year old girls, chosen for their body type, strength, flexibility and enthusiasm for the sport of gymnastics.  The emphasis of this program will be on strength, flexibility and mastering a solid foundation of basic gymnastics skills.     GIRLS EVENTS:  Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor.

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Mighty Tot Schedule

Annual Olympic Showcase

As their culminating event, the above classes will perform in our Annual Olympic Showcase. The Olympics will take place at Palmer's, and will showcase the yearlong accomplishments of our Pre-school students

Be sure to invite all of your family and friends

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